

对于美国上市公司股票停牌的事情,我们见的比较少。 我专门查阅了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)网站上的信息,答案如下: “If a trading halt is called because of an event that may affect the price or value of a security for which there is currently no established trading market, such as the introduction of new business information (e.g. earnings results) or an incident involving one or more securities, the trading halt will usually cover all securities traded on the affected exchange(s). ”“如果因可能造成价格或价值波动的事件而暂停交易,例如新业务信息的公布(如营收报告)或因一项或多项证券遭袭而需要暂停交易时,通常会影响所涉交易所上市的的所有证券。” 在某些特定情况下,单个证券的临时停盘可能不会造成市场混乱。然而,在多数情况下,影响多个证券的重大事件可能会影响众多投资者,对所有证券都必须实施临时停盘是非常必要的。

“In certain circumstances, temporary trading halts on individual securities may be justified, although trading stops on multiple securities in most cases are necessary to protect investors and ensure fair and orderly markets. For example, if the issuer of a particular security makes an announcement that only impacts its own trading, it may not be necessary to stop trading of other securities until after the release of this information.Alternatively, if an issuer has disclosed possible wrongdoing by its management, but has not yet determined whether any violation of law occurred, trade stops would be appropriate to allow shareholders time to assess the implications of these events, even though the wrongdoing may not directly affect the fundamentals of the issuer’s business. ”
