我查了一下,目前施耐德的上市地有4个: 香港、纽约(已退市)、巴黎、伦敦,分别对应的证券代码是2318HK、NKE、ENEL, TSE. 这些代码都是交易所的代码而不是公司的代码哦~所以你要找的是Enel Group吗? 我搜到的资料是这样写的: Enel is Europe’s largest power producer and Italy's biggest electricity company, with a market capitalization of around US$15 billion at the end of December 2011, making it one of Euronext largest-cap companies. It lists its shares on both Paris (symbol: ENL) and Milan (symbol: ENI), and they are also traded in New York, Hong Kong and Buenos Aires.