首先,我觉得题主问的其实是:怎么写投资分析报告的问题,而不是股票的分析报告。 然后呢,我试着分两个层面来谈一下这个报告应该如何去写吧~ 在正式回答问题之前,我觉得有必要先普及一个概念—— 股票分析(stock analysis)与股票估值(stock valuation, stock price target determination)的区别在哪里…… 其实很简答的一个道理就是前者是后者的前提条件之一而已啦~ 举个例子来说明一下的话:-D 比如说你要买一套房子来做分析的时候,我们通常都会做三件事情:
1. 看地段 (stocks are assets, real estate is an asset class and stocks within the asset class of Real Estate can be analyzed in a similar way as other forms of investments such as bonds, gold or oil etc.)
2. 查户型 (The fundamental factors which drive the value of the company include profit margins and revenue growth; some analysts consider earnings per share to be the most important, because they provide insight into how efficiently management is running operations.)
3. 算价格(price/earnings ratios may also fluctuate for reasons distinct from the earning power of individual companies: when interest rates change – or when expectations about future rate changes change – P/E ratios will adjust accordingly: this adjustment, known as "the earnings yield" is sometimes referred to by financial theorists as "market uncertainty") 这三大项其实都是属于“基本面”范畴里面的内容,但真正决定房价的因素其实还有一大项叫做“情绪面”;而这,也是同样的,适用于大部分资产定价的原因所在了。。。所以嘛… 回到最初的那个问题: 如何写投研的报告呢? 我的答案是这样的: 先把基本面向下整理好(如果不知道怎么做的话就直接百度关键词+名词解释,然后把那些词组都抄下来就行了!) 再把情绪面向上整理出来好了 接下来你就可以开始动笔撰写你的投资建议了~~~!
当然罗~在实际的投研过程当中,大家还会面临着另外一个更大的难题:那就是对于整个市场的研判和判断以及择时择机的能力~~ 而这些能力并不是一朝一夕就能练成的,因此就只好交给各位自己慢慢修炼了哈~O(∩_∩)O~